Where is Tangshan

Tangshan is located in the Nouthern part of Tangshan state.Republic of China,Tangshan comes in Eastern of the Republic of China, the let-long 39°37′52″N 118°10′48″E and the hight of this City from sea level is 39m / 128 feet the distence Capital of Republic of China,and Tangshan is 1,790 km by road.

Where is Tangshan located in Republic of China

Location Map of Tangshan showing on Google map of Republic of China

Information about Tangshan

Name Tangshan
District Tangshan
State Hebei
Country Republic of China
Area 13,472 km2 (5,202 sq mi)
Elevation 39m / 128feet
Urban Population 3,687,607
Geographic coordinates 39°37′52″N 118°10′48″E
Population Density 570/km2 (1,500/sq mi)
Languages Chinese
Time Zone UTC+8
Historical buildings The Anti-seismic Monument Square Tangshan Locomotive Works Three-Pagoda in Axle Hill ·YunHe TangRen Jie Tangshan Earthquake Ruins Memorial …
Air port Tangshan Sannuhe Airport serves the city Tangshan,
River Luan River
Temples Datang Xingguo Chan Temple ·Tangshan Yutian Prajna Temple ·Hengshan Dajue Temple ·Jingjue Temple.
UNIVERSITY Normal University is a non-profit public higher-education
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 315
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 1,790 km

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