Major Cities of Sikkim

We have collected major cities of Sikkim on te basis of population, literacy, growth rate, population density, male female ratio and area of Sikkim.


Major Cities of Sikkim in Alphabetical Order

Code Name Population (2011)[1] Area (km²)
ES Where is East Sikkim 281,293 954
NS Where is North Sikkim 43,354 4,226
SS Where is South Sikkim 146,742 750
ws Where is West Sikkim 136,299 1,166


Major Cities of Sikkim by Population

S. No. City name Population
1 East Sikkim 283583


Major Cities of Sikkim in Land Aread

S. No. City name Area (km²)
1 North Sikkim 4226


Major Cities of Sikkim in Population density

S. No. City name Density (per km²)
1 East Sikkim 295


Major Cities of Sikkim on Google Map

Some Major Cities of Sikkim are showing on Google Map of Chhattisgarh


Major Cities of Sikkim in Growth Rate

S. No. City name Growth rate
1 East Sikkim 15.73%


Major Cities of Sikkim in Male Female Ratio

S. No. City name Female Ratio with 1000 Male
1 West Sikkim 942


Major Cities of Sikkim in Literacy Rate

S. No. City name Literacy
1 East Sikkim 83.85
3 South Sikkim 81.42