Where is Brasilia

Brasilia is located in the Southern part of Brasilia state Brazil. Brasilia comes in Eastern of the Brazil the let-long 15°47′38″S 47°52′58″W and the hight of this City from sea level is 1,172 m (3,845 ft) the distence between Brazil the Capital of Brazil and Brasilia is road distence is 7372.4 km

Where is Brasilia located in  Brazil

Location Map of Brasilia showing on Google map of Brazil

Information about Brasilia

Name Brasilia
District Federal District
State Goiás
Country Brazil
Area 5,802 km2 (2,240.164 sq mi)
Elevation 1,172 m (3,845 ft)
Urban Population 480.827/km2 (1,245.34/sq mi)
Geographic coordinates 15°47′38″S 47°52′58″W
Population Density 3,039,444
Languages English, ‎Spanish‎, ‎French‎, ‎German‎,
Time Zone UTC−03:00
Historical buildings The Itamaraty Palace · Palácio da Justica · Congresso Nacional · Templo da Boa Vontade · Santuário Dom Bosco · Museu Nacional · Centro Cultural
Air port Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport
River Paracatu River river of Minas
Temples Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
UNIVERSITY public universities in Brasília,
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 55
Sports table tennis, squash, snooker, gymnastics, badminton, cricket, football …

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