Where is Azamgarh

Azamgarh, City is located in the Uttar Pradesh India, the lat long of this city is 26.068°North 83.184°East, the elevation of this city is from sea level is 64 meter, some neighbor cities of Azamgarh are Gorakhpur in North, Mau in east, Sultanpur in West, Ambedkar Nagar in North-West, Jaunpur in South-West, Ghazipur in South-East side.

Information about Azamgarh

Name Azamgarh
Country India
Continent Asia
Come in existance 1018 A.D
Area in KM 1,219 km²
Population 110983(2011)
Population Density 1,138/km2 (2,950/sq mi)
Lat Long 26.068°N 83.184°E
Places to Visit devi ji ka mandir, bijaura baba mandir, durga mandir, baurhwa baba mandir, chandika devi temple, hadaha baba mandir, panchdev mandir, durga mandir, shiv mandir, baikunthdwar mandir, trinity church
Time Zone IST (UTC7)
STD 5462
Zip Code Start 276001
Languages Hindi, Urdu, English
Mayor Sanjay Chauhan
Rivers Tamsa River
Airports Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport

Where is Azamgarh located in Uttar Pradesh, India

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Brief History Azamgarh

The district is named after its headquarters town, Azamgarh, which was founded in 1665 by Azam, son of Vikramajit. Vikramajit was a descendant of Gautam Rajputs of Mehnagar in pargana Nizamabad who like some of his predecessors had embraced the faith of Islam. He had a Muslim wife who bore him two sons Azam and Azmat. While Azam gave his name to the town of Azamgarh, and the fort, Azmat constructed the fort and settled the bazar of Azmatgarh in pargana Sagri.After the attack of Chabile Ram, Azmat Khan fled northwards followed by the interior forces. He attempted to cross the Ghaghra into Gorakhpur.