Where is Rabat

Rabat is located in the Nouthern part of Rabat state.Morocco Rabat comes in Western of the Morocco the let-long 34°02′N 6°50′W and the hight of this City from sea level is 160 m (520 ft) the distence between Capital of Morocco and Rabat is 326 km by road.

Where is Rabat located in Morocco

Information about Rabat

Name Rabat
District Rabat
State Arab States
Country Morocco
Area 577,827
Elevation 160 m (520 ft)
Urban Population 577,827
Geographic coordinates 34°02′N 6°50′W
Population Density 4,900/km2 (13,000/sq mi)
Languages Arabic, French and English,
Time Zone UTC+1
Historical buildings Mausoleum of Mohammad Kasbah des Oudaias . Medina of Rabat · Hassan Tower · Royal Palace of Rabat . Rabat Old Town
Air port Salé Airport or Rabat
River river Bou Regreg,
Temples Ġgantija temples Tala Soni Mandir megalithic temples megalithic temples
UNIVERSITY The International University of Rabat
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 212
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer, Cricket

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