Where is La-Paz

La-Paz is located in the Southern part of La-Paz state. Bolivia La-Paz comes in Western of the Bolivia the let-long 16°30′S 68°09′W and the hight of this City from sea level is 3,640 m (11,942 ft).the distence the Capital of Bolivia and La-Paz is 1,012.9 km by road.

Where is La-Paz located in Bolivia

Information about La-Paz

Name La-Paz
District La-Paz
State Baja California Sur
Country Bolivia
Area 472 km2 (182 sq mi)
Elevation 3,640 m (11,942 ft)
Urban Population 766,468
Geographic coordinates 16°30′S 68°09′W
Population Density 1,861.2/km2 (4,820.6/sq mi)
Languages Spanish, Aymara, Quechua and Guaraní.
Time Zone UTC−4
Historical buildings Mi Teleferico. WMDR Yungas Road · Mirador Killi Killi Iglesia de San Francisco Mercado de Las Brujas
Air port El Alto International Airport
River Choqueyapu River Vilaque River
Temples The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
UNIVERSITY top public universities
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 2
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer, Cricket

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