Where is Chitrakut

Chitrakut is located in the Nouthern part of Uttar Pradesh Chitrakut comes in Chitrakut district and Chitrakut division of Uttar Pradesh the Lat.Long.25.2°N 80.9°E and the height of this city from sea level is 137 m (449 ft) Chitrakut Capital is 628.8 km Road distance.

Where is Chitrakut located in Uttar Pradesh India

Information about Chitrakut

Name Chitrakut
District Chitrakut
State Uttar Pradesh
Country India
Area 3,164 Sq. Km.
Elevation 137 m (449 ft)
Urban Population 66,426
Geographic coordinates 25.2°N 80.9°E
Population Density 290/km2 (750/sq mi)
Languages Hindi.English
Time Zone UTC+5:30
Historical buildings Lord Rama, Kamtaji Temple, Kamadgiri. Sphatik Shila: Gupt Godavari ·Ramghat.
Air port Bamrauli airport at Allahabad is the nearest airport,
River “Mandakini ,Yamuna River;Gunta River; Bagein River; Ohan/Balmiki River; Bardaha River …
Temples Kamadgiri Temple · Ram Ghat Sati Anusuya Temple Hanuman Dhara Temple Kamtaji Temple Sphatik Shila Bharat Koop
UNIVERSITY Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University, Chitrakoot
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 210205
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 628.8 km

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