Where is Chamoli

Information about Chamoli

Name Chamoli
Country India
Continent Asia
Area in KM 8,030 km2
Population 370,359
Population Density 49/km2 (130/sq mi)
Lat Long 30.2937° N, 79.5603° E
Places to Visit Hemkund Sahib, Gurudwara Hemkund Sahib, Hemkunt Sahib, Temple Complex, Kagbhusandi Tal, Gopeshwar Mahadev Temple , Panar Bugiyal
Time Zone IST (UTC+5:30)
STD 1372
Zip Code Start 246446
Languages Hindi, Garhwali
Mayor Vinod
Rivers Alaknanda
Airports Jolly Grant Airport

Where is Chamoli Located in Uttarakand, India

Location Map of Chamoli showing on Google map of Uttarakand, India

Places to Visit

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