Where is Rewa
Information about Rewa
Name | Rewa |
District | Rewa |
State | Madhya Pradesh |
Country | India |
Continent | Asia |
Area in KM | 6,240 km2. |
Elevation | 304 m (997 ft) |
Population | 235422(2011) |
Population Density | 374 inhabitants per square kilometre (970/sq mi) . |
Lat Long | 24.5373° N, 81.3042° E |
Literacy rate | 53.42% |
Time Zone | IST (UTC+5:30) |
Area Code | 07662 |
Zip Code Start | 486001 |
Languages | Bagheli |
Where is Rewa, Located in Madhya Pradesh, India
Location Map of Rewa, showing on Google map of Madhya Pradesh, India
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