Where is G B Road

G.B. Road Stants for Garstin Bastion Road or some history writers says “Gates and Bastions Road” is an area from Ajmeri Gate to Lahori Gate, in Old Delhi India. So, in this way the gb road full name is either Garstin Bastion Road or Gates and Bastions Road. This is a world famous red-light area having hundreds of multi-story brothels having more than 1000 female sex workers. In the year 1966 government officially renamed this road by Swami Shradhanand Marg.

Quick Facts about G B Road Delhi

Name G.B. Road
City Old Delhi
State Delhi
Coordinates 28°38′51″N 77°13′22″E
Country India
Establised Mughal Era
Clubbed and Rename 1863
Renamed Swami Shradhanand Marg in 1966
Full form of G B Road Garstin Bastion Road or “Gates and Bastions Road
PIN Code 110006

GB Road Delhi Map

G B Road Delhi Map at Google

G B Road Full form in Hindi

G B Road का हिंदी में अर्थ है गार्स्टिन बैस्टियन रोड जबकि कुछ इतिहास लेखकों का कहना है की G B Road का मतलब “गेट्स और बैशन रोड”.

Monuments near GB Road Delhi

GB Road now officially Swami Shradhanand Marg is inbetween Ajmeri gate to lahauri gate so a few historical monuemnts of Delhi are near by this location like India Gate is around 6 KM and Red Fort of Delhi is around 3 KM and