Where is Aleppo

Aleppo is located in the Nouthern part of Aleppo state Syria . Aleppo comes in Eastern of the Syria the let-long 36°13′N 37°10′E and the hight of this City from sea level is 379 m (1,243 ft) the distence between Syria the Capital of Syria and Aleppo is road distence is 10601 km

Where is Aleppo located in Syria

Location Map of Aleppo showing on Google map of Syria

Information about Aleppo

Name Aleppo]
District Mount Simeon
State Arab States
Country Syria
Area 190 km2 (70 sq mi)
Elevation 379 m (1,243 ft)
Urban Population 2,098,210
Geographic coordinates 36°13′N 37°10′E
Population Density 11,000/km2 (29,000/sq mi)
Languages Arabic Ḥalabi English
Time Zone UTC+2
Historical buildings Ancient Ruins Saint Simon Citadel • Military Bases
Air port Aleppo International Airport
River Queiq river
Temples Temple of the Storm-God Temple of Hadad
UNIVERSITY public university located in Aleppo
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code : 21
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer, Cricket

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