Where is Shamli

Information about Shamli

Name Shamli
Country India
Continent Asia
Area in KM 1,063 km2
Population 1274815(2011)
Population Density 1,200/km2 (3,100/sq mi)
Lat Long 29.4508° N, 77.3152° E
Places to Visit shiv mandir, gujari shiv mandir, vijay talkies, ajanta talkies
Time Zone UTC+05:30
STD 01398
Zip Code Start 247776
Languages Hindi, Urdu
Mayor Rajeshwar Kumar Bansal.
Rivers Ganges and the Yamuna,
Airports Indira Gandhi International .

Where is Shamli Located in Uttar Pradesh, India

Location Map of Shamli showing on Google map of Uttar Pradesh, India

Places to Visit

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