Where is Senapati
Senapati is one of the city from the various major cities of Manipur, Senapati is located in the Northern part of Manipur and came under Senapati district, an state of India, the Senapati is located between 93.29° and 94.15° East Longitude and 24.37° and 25.37° North Latitude and the height of this city from sea level is 2500 meter, 130 km North East side from West Imphal and 124 km North West side from East Imphal capitals of Manipur and 2362 km South East side from Delhi, the capital of India, Senapati connected with other Indian cities by Air route train routes and with NH 27 and NH 102A Senapati is directly connected with other major cities of India
Where is Senapati located in India
Location Map of Senapati showing on Google map of India
Neighbor Cities and Districts of Senapati
Neighbor Cities and Districts of Senapati are, From North West side to North East side Some cities of Nagaland like Peren, Kohima and Phek, Ukhrul in East, Imphal East & Thoubal in South East side, Bishnupur & Imphal West in South side, Churachandpur in South West side and Tamenglong in the West side.
Information about Senapati
Name | Senapati |
District | Senapati |
State | Manipur |
Country | India |
Continent | Asia |
Area in KM | 3,269 km² |
Elevation | 2,500 m |
Population | 479148(2011) |
Population Density | 109 inhabitants per square kilometre (280/sq mi) |
Lat Long | 25.3203° N, 94.1514° E |
Literacy rate | 74.10% |
Time Zone | UTC+5:30 |
Area Code | 03880 |
Zip Code Start | 795106 |
Languages | Bengalis in Orissa |
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