Where is São Gonçalo

São Gonçalo is located in the southern part of São Gonçalo state.Brazil,São Gonçalo comes in Western of the Brazil, the let-long 22°49′37″S 43°03′14″W and the hight of this City from sea level is.19 m (62 ft).the distence Capital of Brazil, and São Gonçalo is 1,336 km by road..

Where is São Gonçalo located in Brazil

Location Map of São Gonçalo showing on Google map of Brazil

Information about São Gonçalo

Name São Gonçalo
District São Gonçalo
State Rio de Janeiro
Country Brazil
Area 249.142 km2 (96.194 sq mi)
Elevation 19 m (62 ft)
Urban Population 1,091,737
Geographic coordinates 22°49′37″S 43°03′14″W
Population Density 4,400/km2 (11,000/sq mi)
Languages Brazil; 1.2 Portugal
Time Zone UTC−3
Historical buildings “Cuelim hull, the church Carvalho S.J. The enchanting church draws many .
Air port Amarante-Governador Aluízio Alves International Airport
River Anil River,Tamega river
Temples Church in Amarante,Churches, Chapels,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
UNIVERSITY Salgado de Oliveira University
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 55
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 1,336 km

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