Where is Santiago

Santiago is located in the Southern part of Santiago state, Chile Santiago comes South West of the Chile the Lat. Long. 33°27′S 70°40′W and the height of this city from sea level is 570 m (1,870 ft). The distance between Chile the capital of Chile and Santiago is2,309.47 miThe road distance is 4,108.53 mi. meter,

Where is Santiago located in Chile

Location Map of Santiago showing on Google map of Chile

Information about Santiago

Name Santiago
District Veraguas
State Santiago
Country Chile
Area 641 km2 (247.6 sq mi)
Elevation 570 m (1,870 ft)
Urban Population (2020) 6,269,384
Geographic coordinates 33°27′S 70°40′W
Population Density 9,821/km2 (25,436/sq mi)
Languages Chile Spenish English
Time Zone UTC−4 (CLT)
Sports football, tennis, cricket, rugby, golf, athletics
Historical buildings Santiago Metropolitan Cathedra1. Cerro San Cristobal · 2. Sky Costanera · 3. Cerro Santa Lucia · 4. Barrio Lastarria · 5. Templo Bahá'í · 6. Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral ...
Air port Santiago International Airport
River River in Mexico
Temples Santiago Baháʼí Temple Santiago Chile Temple
UNIVERSITY University of Santiago de Chile ... Universidad de Santiago de Chile is a public institution
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code +56 2

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