Where is Rampur

Information about Rampur

Name Rampur
Country India
Continent Asia
Area in KM 84 km2
Population 325,248
Population Density 3,900/km2 (10,000/sq mi)
Lat Long 28° 48′ 0″ N, 79° 0′ 0″ E
Places to Visit Jama Masjid, Raza Library, Rampur Planetarium, Gandhi Samadhi, Kothi Khas Bagh, Ambedkar Park
Time Zone IST (UTC+5:30)
STD 0595
Zip Code Start 244901
Languages Hindi Urdu
Mayor dr swati
Rivers Kosi River
Airports Moradabad Airport

Where is Rampur Located in Uttar Pradesh, India

Location Map of Rampur showing on Google map of Uttar Pradesh, India

Places to Visit

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