Where is PortoAlegre

PortoAlegre is located in the Southern part of PortoAlegre state.Brazil PortoAlegre comes in Western of the Brazil the let-long 30°01′59″S 51°13′48″W and the hight of this City from sea level is 10 m (30 ft) the distence Capital of Brazil and PortoAlegre is 1 143 km by road.

Where is PortoAlegre located in Brazil

Location Map of PortoAlegre showing on Google map of Brazil

Information about PortoAlegre

Name PortoAlegre
District PortoAlegre
State Rio Grande do Sul
Country Brazil
Area 496.827 km2 (191.826 sq mi)
Elevation 10 m (30 ft)
Urban Population 1,488,252
Geographic coordinates 30°01′59″S 51°13′48″W
Population Density 2,837.5/km2 (7,349/sq mi)
Languages English. Spanish
Time Zone UTC-3
Historical buildings Igreja Nossa Senhora Das Dores Piratini Palace Colégio Militar de Porto Alegre · Palácio da Justiça
Air port Salgado Filho Porto Alegre International Airport
River Guaiba River
Temples Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
UNIVERSITY public federal research university
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 55
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 1 143 kilometers.

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