Where is Oran

Oran is located in the Oran part of Oran state.Algeria, comes in Western of the Oran, the let-long 35°41′49″N 0°37′59″W and the hight of this City from sea level is 1,548 persons per square km. the distence Capital of Algeria.

Where is Karkow located in Algeria

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Information about Oran

Name Oran
District Oran
State Oran
Country Algeria
Area 2,121 km2 (819 sq mi)
Elevation 0.9 m (3 ft)
Urban Population 803,329
Geographic coordinates 35°41′49″N 0°37′59″W
Population Density 1,548 persons per square km.
Languages Arabic, French,
Time Zone UTC+1
Historical buildings Fort Santa Cruz · Chapelle de Santa Cruz La Cathédrale du Sacré Coeur ·La Gare d’Oran ·Place du 1er Novembre Pacha Mosque
Air port Ahmed Ben Bella Airport
River Orange River
Temples Umiya Mataji Temple Karni Mata Temple,Temples in Sabarkantha.
UNIVERSITY Improved visibility of the University of Oran
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 213
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 879 km

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