Where is Mainpuri
Mainpuri is located in the Eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, Mainpuri comes in Mainpuri district and Gorakhpur division of Uttar Pradesh, the Lat. Long. 27.13°N 83.57°E, and the height of this city from sea level is 180 meter, Mainpuri is 256 km west side from Lucknow i.e capital of Uttar Pradesh and 356 Km south-east from Delhi.
Neighbout districts of Mainpuri are Etah in North side, Farrukhabad and Kannauj in Eastern side, Firozabad in West side Etawah in South side.
Information about Mainpuri
Name | Mainpuri |
Country | India |
Continent | Asia |
Area in KM | 2,745 km2 |
Population | 1847194 (2011) |
Population Density | 669 Persons/sq.Km. |
Lat Long | 27.2177° N, 79.1097° E |
Places to Visit | sheetla Mata Mandir, Bhero Baba Mandir, Hanuman Mandir, Bhimsen Mandir, Mainpuri Maharaja Tez singh, Kali Mata Mandir, Jyoti Cinema |
Time Zone | UTC+05:30 |
STD | 5672 |
Zip Code Start | 205001 |
Languages | Hindi |
Mayor | Alok Gupta |
Rivers | Chambal River |
Airports | kheria airport |