Where is Duque de Caxias

Duque de Caxias is located in the Southern part of Duque de Caxias state.Brazil,Duque de Caxias comes in Western of the Brazil, the let-long 22°47′09″S 43°18′43″W and the hight of this City from sea level is 7 m (23 ft) the distence Capital of Brazil,and Duque de Caxias is 21 kilometers by road..

Where is Duque de Caxias located in Brazil

Location Map of Duque de Caxias showing on Google map of Brazil

Information about Duque de Caxias

Name Duque de Caxias
District Duque de Caxias
State Rio de Janeiro
Country Brazil
Area 464.573 km2 (179.373 sq mi)
Elevation 7 m (23 ft)
Urban Population 924,624
Geographic coordinates 22°47′09″S 43°18′43″W
Population Density 1,860.61/km2 (4,818.23/sq mi)
Languages Korean Language Portuguese, Spanish
Time Zone UTC−3
Historical buildings “Life and Science Museum ·Outlet Premium Rio de Janeiro · Teatro Municipal Raul Cortez. SESI – Baixada Theater ·Vivo do Sao …
Air port The nearest major airport is Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport
River Meriti River,Paraíba do Sul River
Temples Temple of Solomon,Temple.Parque Capivari,
UNIVERSITY The best university in Duque de Caxias is Grande Rio University
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 55
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 21 kilometers

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