Where is Chandauli

Chandauli is located in the southern part of the Uttar Pradesh, one of the state in India, the lat long coordinates of Chandauli are 25.27°N 83.27°E with the elevation of 70 meter from eas level, Chandauli city is 350 km south-east from state capital Lucknow and 846 km south-east from Delhi, the capital of India.

Information about Chandauli

Name Chandauli
Country India
Continent Asia
Come in existance 6th centaury B.C.
Area in KM 2,484.70 km2
Population 1952713(2011)
Population Density 790/km2 (2,000/sq mi)
Lat Long 25° 15′ 40.84″ N, 83° 15′ 50.69″ E
Places to Visit Chandraprabha , Bhaisoda , Naugarh , Mushakhard , Latifshah , Rajdari Waterfall, Devdari Waterfall, Aurvatard Waterfall, Karmanasha Waterfall,
Time Zone UTC+05:30
STD 5412
Zip Code Start 848115
Languages Hindi, Urdu
Mayor Madhu Gurzer .
Rivers Ganga, Karmanasha, Chandraprabha
Airports airports to Chandauli,

Where is Chandauli located in Uttar Pradesh,India

Location Map of Chandauli showing on Google map of Uttar Pradesh, India

History Chandauli in Hindi

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