Where is Arequipa

Where is Arequipa

Malang is located in the Arequipa part of Arequipa state.Arequipa, comes in Western of the Arequipa, the let-long 16°24′S 71°32′W and the hight of this City from sea level is 15,000/km2 (38,000/sq mi)) the distence Capital of Peru.

Where is Arequipa located in Arequipa

Location Map of Arequipa showing on Google map of Peru

Information about Arequipa

Name Arequipa
District Arequipa
State Arequipa
Country Peru
Area 69 km2 (27 sq mi)
Elevation 2,335 m (7,661 ft)
Urban Population 1,008,290
Geographic coordinates 16°24′S 71°32′W
Population Density 15,000/km2 (38,000/sq mi)
Languages . English. La Unión Quechua. French. Spanish. . Russian. . Arabic. . Chinese .
Time Zone UTC-5
Historical buildings Plaza de Armas · Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus · La Mansion del Fundador · Casa del Moral Mirador De Sachaca.
Air port Rodríguez Ballón International Airport
River Chili River
Temples the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints .Temple Art, Mormon Temples,Boyd Fine Art and LDS Temples.
UNIVERSITY known locally as Universidad Nacional de San Agustín
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 54
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 886 km