Where is Aematy

Aematy is located in the Nouthern part of Aematy state.Kazakhstan, Aematy comes in Eastern of the Kazakhstan, the let-long 43°16′39″N 76°53′45″E and the hight of this City from sea level is.1,700 m (5,600 ft).the distence Capital of Kazakhstan, and Aematy is 1,458.5 km.by road.

Where is Aematy located in Kazakhstan,

Information about Aematy

Name Aematy
District Aematy
State Aematy
Country Kazakhstan
Area 682 km2 (263 sq mi)
Elevation 1,700 m (5,600 ft)
Urban Population 1,977,011
Geographic coordinates 43°16′39″N 76°53′45″E
Population Density 9.2/km2 (24/sq mi)
Languages German, ‎English‎, ‎Arabic‎, ‎Korean
Time Zone UTC+6
Historical buildings Dostyk Hotel Monument to Alkey Margulan · Monument to Chokan Valikhanov Zodiac Fountain · Monument to Pushkin ·Monument to Shevchenko Hotel .
Air port Almaty International Airport
River Malaya Almaatinka,Almaty River
Temples Temple of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva,Sri Vrindavan Dham Almaty.Saints Temple
UNIVERSITY Almaty Management University
TRANSPORT Train Taxi Bus Metro Air
Aera Code 7
Sports Basketball, Football, Golf events, Soccer
Road distance 1,458.5 km

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