Where is Karachi

Karachi is located in the Sindh Region of Pakistan at the elevation of 8 meter from sea level with coordinates or lat long 24°51′36″N 67°0′36″E, nearest airport i.e Jinnah International Airport Karachi (IATA code: KHI) east of the city center in a distance is 19.2 k/m.

Where is Karachi located in Pakistan

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Information about where is karachi situated

Name Karachi
Country Pakistan
Continent Asia
Came in existence 1742 (As per Dutch document)
Previous name any Kolachi(Till 1742)
Area in KM 3,527 km2
Area in miles 1,362 sq mi
Population 24,300,000 (Est 2016)
Population Density 42.5 people per km2 (2016)
Lat Long 24°51′36″N 67°0′36″E
Name of Monuments Ziarat Residency, Pakistan Monument, House of Abdus Salam, Allama Iqbal’s Tomb, Allama Iqbal Museum, Islamic Summit Minar, Minar-e-Pakistan, Khaliq Dina Public Hall, Quaid-e-Azam’s Mazar, Quaid-e-Azam House Museum, Birthplace of Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Places to Visit Dolmen Mall Clifton, Mazar-E-Quaid, Mohatta Palace Museum, Frere Hall, Boat Basin, Zainab Market, Hilal Park, Ocean Tower, Park Towers, Bin Qasim Park Clifton, Quaid-e-Azam House Museum, Tooba Mosque, Bin Qasim Park, Safari Park
Time Zone GMT+5.
STD Code +(92)21
Zip Code Start 74200 (GPO)
Languages Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pushto, English
Mayor Sajjad Hussain Abbasi
Transportation Taxis, car, city bus, Airport
Rivers Malir River and Lyari River
Lakes Hub Lake and Haleji Lake
Airports Jinnah International Airport

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