Facts about Nagano City, Japan

Important Facts about Nagano City

Name Nagano
Country Japan
Continent Asia
Came in existance NA
Previous name any Shinano
Area in KM 834.85 km2
Area in miles 322.34 sq mi
Population 387,146
Population Density 460/km2 (1,200/sq mi)
Lat Long 36.2500° N, 138.1000° E
Name of Monuments Mt. Yake in Mountains
Places to Visit Karuizawa, Shiga Kogen Ski Resort, Kamikouchi, Azumino, Zenkouji, Matsumoto Castle, Ueda Castle, Komoro Castle
Time Zone (UTC+9
STD Code 81- 262
Zip Code Start 391-0011
Languages Japanese language
Mayor Hisao Katō
Transportation Bus, Train, Taxi, Metro, Air plane
Rivers Shinano
Lakes glacial lake, Lake Nojiri, Lake Suwa
Mountains mountainous central Honshu
Airports Matsumoto Airport

Historical Facts about Nagano City

  • Zenkō-ji relocated from the current city of Iida, as it was a disrict in Ancient Shinano Province.
  • The Battles of Kawanakajima from 1553 to 1564 were fought there including a fight in between Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin
  • From year 1944 the Matsushiro Underground Imperial Headquarters was started and closed in 1945 due to the end of world war 2
  • Biggest mergers of the Showa Era II occurred here in year 1966

Unknown Facts about Nagano City

  • Due to Zenko-ji earthquake on May 8, in year 1847 around 10,000 people were died
  • The status of city Nagano gained in year 1897
  • Due to flooding of Chikuma River in year 1959, 71 people were died and 20,000 homes were flooded
  • Due to landslides in year 1985 Matsushiro Earthquake occurred, 27 people were died and 60 homes were damaged
  • In year 1999, Nagano became a core city of Japan